Thursday, 25 December 2014

How to Set up Drupal


  1. Set up Drupal Step 1.jpg
    Plan what you want to make. Making a website (or web app) can take a lot of time and effort, so spending time planning what you want to do, which will reduce how long it takes and improve the quality of the finished product, makes a lot of sense. Begin your planning by deciding on the purpose of the website, and who it's for - think about the kinds of people who will visit it, then deciding what content it will need to have, and finally how you'd like to structure it (what content goes where, and on which pages).
  2. Set up Drupal Step 2.jpg
    Install Drupal.
  3. Set up Drupal Step 3.jpg
    In a browser, go to the URL for your new Drupal installation. This will run the install script which will first gather the information it needs from you and then setup all the database tables. I recommend using the standard installation profile, not the minimal one. Once finished, your website will be ready to use!
  4. Set up Drupal Step 4.jpg
    Familiarize yourself with the administrative dashboard. Located above the pages, the administrative dashboard allows you to add content, add users, configure the structure, modify the appearance, install modules, and more.
  5. Set up Drupal Step 5.jpg
    Install the modules your website will require. Modules for Drupal are special PHP plugins that add extra functionality to the CMS, such as webforms and image manipulation. Installing modules is very easy in Drupal. Just click on Add Modules in the Modules section of the administrative dashboard. Unlike other CMSs, there is usually one module per feature that is always free and well supported instead of several different modules to choose from that may or may not cost money and be what you need. Visit to find modules.
    • Views, probably the most commonly-installed module, allows you to create complex lists, grids, or tables of any of your content (or users or comments).
    • Drupal Commerce is a e-commerce module which allows you to sell products and services through a Drupal website, and it handles product creation, shopping cart management, and ordering. It replaced the trusty Ubercart module.
    • Lightbox and Colorbox modules allow you to create complex image galleries.
    • Both WYSIWYG and CKeditor modules replace the plain text editor with a rich-text, WYSIWYG editor.
    • Webforms allows you to create forms such as a contact form or a contest submission.
    • Many, many more modules exist for pretty much any task.
  6. Set up Drupal Step 6.jpg
    Install the theme for your website. The theme is the component that determines the look and structure of the web pages. You can build your own theme starting from a base theme such as Zen or Omega, or you can use a mostly finished theme such as Danland or Corporate Clean. Either way, you're encouraged to modify the CSS and PHP files of the theme to achieve the exact design you're looking for. has many free themes available for download. Theme marketplaces provide polished, ready-to-use themes for around $30 to $70.
  7. Set up Drupal Step 7.jpg
    Create the structural components of the website. Before actually adding your content, create the content types, views, menus, and taxonomies your website will depend on.
    • The 'Content-Types' component lets you define the structure of each type of content, such as whether or not an image should accompany the text or if users can post comments. Chances are, you will not get it right the first time. Don't worry, changing the content-type updates any content of that type.
    • The 'Blocks' section lets you define what content blocks go in what regions of the webpage, such as footer, sidebar, etc.
    • 'Taxonomies' act as tools for creating lists of categories, sections, tags and the like, and they can also build complex structure trees for, as an example, a product catalog or music library.
  8. Set up Drupal Step 8.jpg
    Create the menus and views to allow your website visitors to navigate through the nodes.
    • 'Nodes' are pieces of content, defined by the Content Types.
    • 'Menus' provide the means for navigation to the static content, such as pages for About Us, Contact, etc, and to any Views that list the dynamic content.
    • 'Views' is the module for creating tables, slideshows, and lists of other nodes in the website for creating "splash" pages that link to your content. Not all websites need views, only ones with content that is frequently added like blog posts or products. Configuring the views can be quit complex: there are fields to add, filters for selecting what content to display, settings to control the content display, a 'paging' feature for creating multiple pages of content within one view, and more. Drupal beginners are advised to read through the Views documentation.
    • Existing views can be cloned. For example, if you have a view for a page that displays blog posts, it can be cloned and the filter can be updated to only displays news articles.
  9. Set up Drupal Step 9.jpg
    Put together the components. This is where some forward thinking is needed. For instance, should two content types be created, one for local news and one for national news in this example, or should there just be one general news content type paired with a taxonomy that lists both types? The answer to that depends on more deciding factors: will one have different fields than the other, such as a field for location? Should different user types (admin, author, editor) be able to create one and not the other? Could different news types be added in the future, such as global news or community news? These are questions that will have to be addressed. Some does and don'ts:
    • Do use taxonomy terms over creating multiple content types, when possible.
    • Don't attempt to make a view of views. If you find yourself needing this, you're approaching it wrong. Taxonomy terms can be organized into a hierarchy, which should be able to help in a situation like this.
    • Do search for modules out there that will do all this hard work for you. For example, the Calendar module can create views that turn into full-featured calendars which would be nearly impossible to do on your own. And the Station module creates content types and views to build a radio station website, complete with playlists and schedules. There are such things as 'Profiles' that can be installed that can perform similar tasks.
  10. Set up Drupal Step 10.jpg
    Add your content. Once the structure has been configured (or at least created) you can add the content, or write new content.
    • You can create menu links to the content or you can rely on them being displayed in the views.
    • You can name your own URL aliases for the content, making them easier to link to.
    • Some content types, such as Ubercart product classes, have special fields such as SKU numbers and prices.
  11. Set up Drupal Step 11.jpg
    Polish and test everything. Thorough testing, editing, and polishing is a must before releasing the website to the public. Make sure that permission levels are where you need them (like not letting anonymous users modify pages) and test the website in several different browsers and platforms.
  12. Set up Drupal Step 12.jpg
    Launch your website (make your website live on the internet). Once everything is ready, make the Drupal website live by connecting it to a domain name and spreading the word—just like any other website.

How to Install Ubuntu Linux

  • 40 Editors
  • Updated 11 days ago
Ubuntu is one of the most popular forms of the Linux operating system. It is available for free, and will run on almost any computer. This guide will show you how to install Ubuntu by booting from a CD or within Windows itself.

Method 1 of 2: Installing From CD/DVD

  1. Install Linux Step 1.jpg
    Download the Ubuntu ISO file. You can get the ISO file from the Ubuntu website. An ISO file is a CD image file that will need to be burned before you can use it. There are two options available from the Ubuntu website (you can also buy official Ubuntu CDs, which come in packs of 10):
    • 14.04 LTS has continuous updates and provides technical support. It is scheduled to be supported until April 2019. This option will give you the most compatibility with your existing hardware.
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 1Bullet1.jpg
    • Ubuntu builds (not yet released) 14.10, 15.04, and 15.10 will come with limited support. They will have the newest features, though they may not work with all hardware. These releases are geared more towards experienced Linux users.
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 1Bullet2.jpg
    • If you have a Windows 8 PC or a PC with UEFI firmware, download the 64-bit version of Ubuntu. Most older machines should download the 32-bit version.
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 1Bullet3.jpg
  2. Install Linux Step 1Bullet2.jpg
    Burn the ISO file. Open up your burning program of choice. There are free and paid programs available that can burn an ISO to a CD or DVD.
  3. Install Linux Step 2Bullet3.jpg
    Boot from the disc. Once you have finished burning the disc, restart your computer and choose to boot from the disc. You may have to change your boot preferences by hitting the Setup key while your computer is restarting. This is typically F12, F2, or Del.
  4. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    Try Ubuntu before installing. Once you boot from the disc, you will be given the option to try Ubuntu without installing it. The operating system will run from the disc, and you will have a chance to explore the layout of the operating system.
    • Open the Examples folder to see how Ubuntu handles files and exploring the operating system.
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 4Bullet1.jpg
    • Once you are done exploring, open the Install file on the desktop.
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 4Bullet2.jpg
  5. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 5.jpg
    Install Ubuntu. Your computer will need at least 4.5 GB of free space. You will want more than this if you want to install programs and create files. If you are installing on a laptop, make sure that it is connected to a power source, as installing can drain the battery faster than normal.
    • Check the “Download updates automatically” box, as well as the “Install this third-party software” box. The third-party software will allow you to play MP3 files as well as watch Flash video (such as YouTube).
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 5Bullet1.jpg
  6. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 6.jpg
    Set up the wireless connection. If your computer is not connected to the internet via Ethernet, you can configure your wireless connection in the next step.
    • If you didn’t have an internet connection in the previous step, hit the Back button after setting up the wireless connection so that you can enable automatic updates.
  7. 7
    Choose what to do with your existing operating system. If you have Windows installed on your system, you will be given a couple options on how you’d like to install Ubuntu. You can either install it alongside your previous Windows installation, or you can replace your Windows installation with Ubuntu.
    • If you install it alongside your old version of Windows, you will be given the option to choose your operating system each time you reboot your computer. Your Windows files and programs will remain untouched.
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 7Bullet1.jpg
    • If you replace your installation of Windows with Ubuntu all of your Windows files, documents, and programs will be deleted.
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 7Bullet2.jpg
  8. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 8.jpg
    Set your partition size. If you are installing Ubuntu alongside Windows, you can use the slider to adjust how much space you would like to designate for Ubuntu. Remember that Ubuntu will take up about 4.5 GB when it is installed, so be sure to leave some extra space for programs and files.
    • Once you are satisfied with your settings, click Install Now.
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 8Bullet1.jpg
  9. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 9.jpg
    Choose your location. If you are connected to the internet, this should be done automatically. Verify that the timezone displayed is correct, and then click the Continue button.
  10. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 10 Version 2.jpg
    Set your keyboard layout. You can choose from a list of options, or click the Detect Keyboard Layout button to have Ubuntu automatically pick the correct option.
  11. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 11 Version 2.jpg
    Enter your login information. Enter your name, the name of the computer (which will be displayed on the network), choose a username, and come up with a password. You can choose to have Ubuntu automatically log you in, or require your username and password when it starts.
  12. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 12 Version 2.jpg
    Wait for the installation process to complete. Once you choose your login info, the installation will begin. During setup, various tips for using Ubuntu will be displayed on the screen. Once it is finished, you will be prompted to restart the computer and Ubuntu will load.

Method 2 of 2: Using the Windows Installer

  1. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 13.jpg
    Download the installer from the Ubuntu website. If your browser prompts you, select Run, Save, or Open. The Windows installer is not compatible with Windows 8. You must use the method in the previous section.
    • The Windows installer will install Ubuntu alongside Windows. Your files and programs will not be affected. When you reboot your computer, you will be able to choose which operating system you would like to load.
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 13Bullet1.jpg
  2. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 14.jpg
    Choose your username and password. Once you run the installer, you will be presented with the configuration menu. Choose your new Ubuntu username and password.
    • You can also change the size of the Ubuntu installation. A larger installation will give your Linux operating system more space to install programs and add files, but this will take away from the free space that Windows has access to.
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 14Bullet1.jpg
    • You can choose your Desktop environment. The three most common are:
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 14Bullet2.jpg
      • Ubuntu (the most popular) has Unity, a unique and intuitive desktop environment.
      • Kubuntu has KDE which resembles Windows
      • Xubuntu uses Xface, which is faster and good for PCs that are 2-3 years old.
      • Lubuntu uses LXDE, and can be used with very old PCs or netbooks with as little as 512MB of RAM.
  3. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 15.jpg
    Click Install to start. The installer will begin downloading the files necessary to install Ubuntu on your computer. Installation will happen automatically.
    • Downloading the files can take a significant amount of time depending on your internet connection. You can use your computer while the files download in the background.
      Install Ubuntu Linux Step 15Bullet1.jpg
  4. Install Ubuntu Linux Step 16.jpg
    Restart your computer. Once the installation is complete, you will be given the option to reboot now or later. When you reboot, you will see a new menu before Windows starts that allows you to choose between Windows and Ubuntu.[1]

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A 4 minute video on installing Ubuntu 9.10


  • Try an LTS version if you plan to buy commercial support
  • Join for extra community help
  • If you have setup your computer to dual boot, you will get a menu when you turn on your computer asking you which operating system you would like to use. If you ignore it, it will go with whatever is at the top.
  • If you are using a Wi-Fi-enabled laptop, run Ubuntu from the CD before install to make sure that your Wi-Fi adapter works. If not, check the Ubuntu forums to find out how to enable Wi-Fi on your computer. Then, you can plug your laptop into an Ethernet connection and follow the online tutorials.
  • You will also have to set up your computer so you can watch most commercial DVDs. These tutorials are also available from Ubuntu blogs and forums.
  • It is a good idea to run Ubuntu from a CD first to get an idea of how it will work on your computer.
  • If you want to take Ubuntu on a test drive, you don't need to install it. You can test Ubuntu running a Live CD, which is an operating system running from a CD. You can also test Ubuntu as a virtual operating system.
  • Make sure you back up all your personal data (photos, documents, favorites, settings etc.) you want to keep before you run the installation.
  • Do the installation with a wired connection to the internet. Wireless can be tricky if the drivers for your wireless card are not provided with the install software.
  • While Ubuntu comes with a lot of software, you have to download Flash separately. This can be done from the Ubuntu software store in Applications menu.


  • Although there are no viruses, security flaws that get patched quickly, and Linux is much safer than Windows, it is important to apply patches in a timely manner and, if you are a system administrator for an important system, you should still take steps to promote security. Linux is not a cure-all.
  • Check your system meets the minimum system requirements. This step only applies to extremely old computers. If your computer is capable of running Windows XP, then it will definitely work with Ubuntu.

Things You'll Need

  • A PC With
    • At least 256MB RAM (recommended)
    • 7GB of Hard Drive space or more
  • A blank CD to burn an Ubuntu ISO onto, or a free Ubuntu CD from